Nov 22, 2024

On 25 November 2024, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the European Federation of Older Persons and Retired Persons (FERPA) emphasises that gender-based violence in old age is often underestimated if not ignored and even rendered invisible. Moreover, data on experiences of violence, abuse and mistreatment in old age are largely lacking. This is a serious shortcoming, since violence against older women is widespread and manifests itself in different ways, e.g. as physical, sexual, economic and psychological violence. Among the root causes, it is gender abuse and discrimination during the life cycle that lead to greater inequality, vulnerability and poverty in old age. The problem of intimate partner violence among older women is scarcely documented in official statistics. It is therefore difficult to establish its precise prevalence. What is certain is that, among older people, it is mainly women who suffer violence from their spouses and that emotional abuse is at the top of the hierarchy of forms of partner violence experienced by older women. Violence against older women is the result of deep-seated structural discrimination and inequality, based on the intersection of sex, gender and age, as well as social class, economic status and disability. Violence against women increases in the care sector, where there are serious deficits in health and dependent care, and where women are still in the majority, bearing the brunt of the dysfunction. In order to combat violence, FERPA calls on the EU institutions to dedicate specific survey and data collection services on gender-based violence among elderly and disabled people, with an inclusive and accessible approach.