Mar 08, 2020 Active ageing
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Nothing can ever be taken for granted, especially not women’s rights.

All over Europe, successive policies are calling into question the rights of pensioners, retired people, the elderly, and women are the most affected.

Demonstrations to win equal treatment and recognition of the place of women in society are growing.

On March 8th, we must affirm and demand not only the recognition of our current rights but also the conquest of new rights.

To be a retired woman, a pensioner, an elderly woman… is to approach life from a different angle.

To be a retired woman, a pensioner, an elderly woman is to be able to live well, serenely, without fear and independently.

To be a retired woman, a pensioner, to be an elderly woman is to bring to our societies, our time for a chosen investment in the fields that attract us.

To be a retired woman, to be a pensioner, to be an elderly woman, it is after years of work, to take full advantage of the time we have left to grow old with peace of mind.

To be a retired woman, a pensioner, to be an elderly woman, is to continue to fight for the respect of our rights, the rights of our daughters, of our little girls.

To be a retired woman, a pensioner, to be an elderly woman, is to pass on our knowledge, our experiences.

Being a retired woman, a pensioner, being an elderly woman does not mean being afraid of tomorrow, it does not mean having to work again to live, it does not mean giving up living our passions.

Being a retired European woman, a pensioner, an elderly woman, means having the same rights throughout Europe.

On 8 March, let us state loud and clear that wanting to live in dignity is a fundamental right.

On 8 March, all generations combined, let us demonstrate for a universal right for women.