Jun 02, 2019 Women

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Exceeded all expectations.
The women’s strike that took place in Switzerland on June 14 was a huge success. <! – more -> If there were around half a million participants in 1991, this year the figure was largely exceeded. In all Swiss cities, in Zurich, Bern, Basel, Lausanne, Geneva and Bellinzona nobody expected such a massive membership. The event was attended by many young people, but also many pensioners. The latter denounced the low rents and the great contribution they make to society by looking after sick grandchildren and / or family members. Unia was very present and organized various warning strikes, prolonged breaks and stressed the need to re-evaluate the so-called female jobs in order to also improve old-age pensions. The strike is bearing fruit. Parliament approved the idea of ​​a two-week parental leave, alongside the 14-week compulsory maternity insurance. It also decided to apply quotas for business management and boards.